The Duet is our first outdoor musical instrument combining keys of aluminum and fiberglass to enhance the playing experience. Enjoy both sounds at the same time or play with someone and share the experience.
Description Collect all 4 of these unique instruments. Each flower is a different size, height, color and has 4 petals with different notes. These flowers are a sight to be enjoyed...
Number: TR-2400 Age Group: 2-12 Use Zone: None Needed List Price: $780.00 Sale Price: $590.00 Shipping and Installation: Call (203) 659-0456 for quote.
Description These botanically inspired Butterflies can be installed as a full collection, or be added to the Flower Collection where they harmoniously complement each other to create a natural, organic...
Description This sandbox package includes everything you need to build a sandbox except the sand. It features the following:- 8" high Plastic timbers for splinter free play environment and a...
Description Please call to arrange pickup from warehouse. Call (203) 659-0456 to configure shipping if needed. Commercial playground panel Children learn the alphabet in sign language Stand alone as an independent event...