Who is your Install Care Specialist ™ (ICS)?

Most playground-related injuries are linked to poor maintenance on play equipment and safety surfacing. Trassig can sell you all the playground equipment and surfacing repair products you need, but the person that installs them needs to understand the big picture before, during and after the repair is done. Since we are working in a space that is full of liabilities and risk management planning, Trassig has created the ICS program.

Trassig Install Care Specialist ™ is a certified playground inspector, a certified playground installer, and a person who has years of experience maintaining playground equipment and safety surfacing. They are available via phone, e-mail, text and video conference to offer the necessary hand-holding to make sure your repair is executed successfully.  When you buy a product from us, we assign you an ICS automatically. If we have neglected to send you that email, please call 203-659-0456 or email info@trassig.com and request that we assign you one.

To make your ICS's life easier, always send pictures before you call your ICS. Send pertinent information such as square footage, locations, temperatures in your area…etc. The more info you send the easier it is for your ICS to help you.

Click here for an ICS spec sheet.


Call 203-659-0456 or email info@trassig.com for more information!