The Different Stages of Poured In Place Deterioration

Poured in place rebinder is a great way to prevent the deterioration of a poured in place rubber surface and prevent the need for repairs. If repairs are needed, however, they need to be done before the surface is reconditioned. Regular binder should not be used on an existing play surface and will lead to more damage.

The stages of deterioration are:

  1. Granulation: The binders holding the rubber granules together will begin to degrade after being exposed to UV rays which makes it easy for granules to dislodge as kids play. The amount of granulation that occurs depends on when the last time you reconditioned the surface was. You might notice granules stuck to kids skin and clothing.
  2. Cracks: At this stage, cracks will begin to form and grow until they become holes.
  3. Holes: Holes revealing the underlying base layer will develop. The exposed base layer will now be vulnerable to more damage as well.
  4. Deterioration reaches the base layer: At this stage, you will begin to find chunks of the broken base layer around the playground area.

How to Repair Your Playground's Poured In Place Rubber Flooring

Repairing a broken poured in place surface is easy, and the Trassig repair kit will come with all of the material you need, pre-measured. The holes in the wear layer of a poured in place surface can present tripping hazards as well as affecting the impact attenuation qualities of the surface. Patches can stand out on the surface because the colors won’t match and so many people use this as an opportunity to add shapes, letters, or designs to the surface.

  1. You will need a trowel, soapy water, gloves, a utility knife, a bucket, and a mixing stick.
  2. You will only have 30 minutes to work with the material after it is mixed, so make sure the area is clean and ready.
  3. Mix all of the rubber granules with all of the binder while mixing.
  4. Use the glue residue left over to prime the edges of the hole.
  5. Use the trowel to fill the hole with the mixed materials.
  6. Lubricate the trowel with soapy water and smooth over the repaired area.
  7. Allow the area to cure for 24 to 48 hours to cure.

How to Seal Your Playground Rubber Surface

Poured in place rubber surfaces will degrade over time, especially if the proper maintenance steps are not taken. This will lead to expensive repairs and playground hazards on the playground area. Use Rebinder to protect and rejuvenate older surfaces.

  1. Do the shuffle test to see if your surface needs Rebinder. Shuffle your feet around the playground surface and see if any granules break loose from the surface.
  2. Rebinder should be applied as soon as granulation starts to appear.
  3. Rebinder does not need to be mixed, just poured into a tray so that it can be rolled out.
  4. Roll the Rebinder on the surface with light pressure.
  5. One pail will cover up to 1200 sq. ft.

 How to Repair the Base Layer of Your Playground Rubber Flooring

Problems in a Poured in Place Rubber surface don’t always stop at the wear layer. Damage that extends into the Impact Attenuation layer of a surface poses a serious safety concern as kids fall onto the surface from equipment; the surface needs to meet the proper fall height requirements. Any damage that reaches the base layer of a Poured in Place surface needs to be properly repaired.

  1. Mix the SBR buffings with the binder that you have received in your repair kit.

  2. Trowel the mixture into the area that needs to be repaired. Remember not to fill the hole all the way and leave room for the wear layer that also needs to be repaired.

  3. Let the repaired base layer cure before adding the wear layer on top.

How to Fill the Gaps in Poured In Place Rubber Surfacing

In order to keep a playground as safe as possible, it is important to ensure that the poured in place surfacing reaches all the way to the edges of the play area and does not leave spaces between the surface and the ground where a child could trip.

  1. Clean all of the debris that has accumulated in the gaps around your surface.
  2. Fill the area with the mixed base layer material that you have and remember to leave room at the top for the wear layer.
  3. Add the wear layer on top of the base layer with the mixed base layer materials you have.
  4. Smooth the top of the added material with a trowel.
  5. Let the area cure.

How to Repair Your Playground Rubber Surface with Poured In Place Extender

Poured in Place Extender can be applied to an old, degrading surface in order to extend its life. The Extender is a non-porous, brightly colored coating that will prevent further damage to the poured in place rubber. The new color will also help the surface look brand-new and prevent it from heating up too much. Extender should be applied to a repaired, power-washed surface.

  1. Pressure wash the area where you need to apply the extender. To avoid damaging the surface, use less than 2,000 psi and a fan angle of 30 degrees or more. Leave the surface to dry for a few days.

  2. If an area is damaged by the pressure washing, then it was already damaged enough to need repair or replacement anyway. The extender is not designed to repair damaged EPDM surfacing.

  3. Divide the area you need to cover into 100 sq. ft. sections. Use one five gallon pail one of these sections.

  4. Apply the extender extra thick over patched areas so that it is able to penetrate through the new layers and into the old layers of rubber. This will help to permanently bind the layers together.

  5. Never spray or pour the topcoat.

  6. The extender will need two coats. Most of the first coat will sink into the pores of the rubber surface. The second layer will only need one five gallon pail for every 400 sq. ft. This layer will create a solid rubber layer.

  7. Allow the top layer of the extender to cure for 72 hours in dry weather. Do not apply the extender if you are expecting rain within 48 hours.

How to Fix a Hole in Your Playground Synthetic Turf

There are a lot of things that can happen on a turf surface, from rough play to sports games, and holes are bound to appear. Repairing these holes as they appear is essential to maintaining a safe turf area. This is a quick and easy process that can be done by anyone on staff.

  1. Measure the area you need to cover and cut a piece of seam tape accordingly.

  2. Apply the seam tape.

  3. Pour turf glue over the tape and spread over the area with a paintbrush.

  4. Fold the turf into place over the taped and glued area. Make sure the pieces of turf align perfectly and cover all of the tape and glue.

How to Install Playground Synthetic Turf

Turf surfaces are a great option for a playground area. They look beautiful in any setting and provide a fun, safe alternative to other kinds of surfaces. Installing turf is also much less difficult than it seems and there are only a few small steps that need to be followed in order to ensure that your turf area is properly installed.

  1. Remove all organic material from the area, like mulch and grass.

  2. Add a crushed stone aggregate up to the proper grade or fill level. Make sure the surface is level and maintains a 1% slope for drainage.

  3. Place padding around the area with the fabric side up. Use a utility knife or Sawzall to cut the padding to fit the space needed. Make sure the whole space is covered.

  4. Roll the turf onto the padding, and make sure the yarn on the turf is facing the same direction as you roll out each piece.

  5. Cut off the excess turf with a utility knife for an exact fit to the space.

  6. Edges can be nailed, stapled, or glued into place.

  7. Peel back the edges of each piece of turf at the seams and nail them down so that seaming tape can be added.

  8. Measure the length of the area that needs to be taped before cutting the seaming tape.

  9. Nail down the seaming tape into place.

  10. Add turf glue and use a trowel to spread it evenly over the seam tape.

  11. Fold both sides of the turf over the seaming tape and turf glue. Make sure they meet in the middle for a seamless edge. Make sure all of the glue and tape is covered by turf.

  12. Weigh the seam down with infill bags in order to cure the binder.

  13. After the seam is cured, spread the infill over the turfed area. Use a seed dropper to spread it evenly and then brush over the infill. Play sand is an acceptable form of infill.

How to Fix Sunken Synthetic Turf

Sunken turf is a common problem that appears when the layer of stone aggregate underneath the turf shifts, leaving holes in the layer beneath the surfacing. This is also a relatively simple problem to fix that will help maintain playground safety. We do not recommend simply applying more stone to the area, as that allows for the problem to repeat itself, which is why we have developed the Turf repair kit.

  1. Cut through the turf surface and pull the newly cut edges back to make a hole over the problem area. Cut the mat out from underneath the turf that you have pulled back and remove any debris.

  2. Mix the materials in the repair kit together.

  3. Apply the mixed material to the cleared area and use a trowel to spread the patch evenly.

  4. Use the trowel to smooth the top of the repair materials and keep the trowel lubricated with soapy water.

  5. Measure the area you have filled and cut a piece of seaming tape accordingly. Place the cut tape in the area.

  6. Pour turf glue over the tape and spread evenly over the area with a paintbrush.

  7. Fold the turf over back over the repair. Make sure that all of the tape and glue is covered by the turf surface.

  8. Allow the area to cure for 24 hours.

 How to Replace the Shade On Your Playground

Over time, the fabric of a shade structure will begin to show signs of wear and tear after being exposed to various weather conditions. It is important to replace it when it becomes too worn to ensure that your playground or recreation area has the weather protection that it needs. Even though shade structures are large and somewhat imposing, replacing the shade is a simple process.

  1. Remove the old shade. It will be attached to the supporting structure by a hook on each corner. Remove the end caps to loosen the hooks and just pull the shade off the structure.

  2. Knot a piece of rope to each of the corners of the new shade.

  3. Toss the rope over the supporting structure and use it to pull the shade into place. Pull the corners into place over the hooks and then untie the rope. Repeat this step for each corner.

  4. Tie the ropes of the undone corners to the supporting structure as you work to keep the shade in place.

  5. Adjust the placement of the hook as needed.

  6. Feed wire through the edges of the shade and adjust the hooks to tighten the shade over the supporting structure. Lock the loop created by the wire in place.

  7. Replace the end caps.

How to Prepare Your Playground Site for Surfacing Installation

When installing any form of playground safety surfacing, preparing your site properly is extremely important.

  1. Remove all organics from area (grass, mulch...)
  2. Add crushed stone aggregate to come up to the right grade
  3. Compact the aggregate into a level surface making sure there is a 1% slope for drainage
  • Following these steps will ensure that your playground surface is properly installed and lasts as long as possible.

  • How to Install a Spring Rider

    A spring rider is an excellent addition to your playground. Please watch the above video to learn how to properly install your Spring Rider for maximum safety and longevity.

    What you will need:

    • Shovel
    • Fast setting concrete mix
    • J-bolts
    • Water

    How to install your spring rider:

    1. Dig a hole with the diameter and depth that your spring rider calls for.
    2. Fill the hole with fast setting concrete mix and water, then mix.
    3. Secure J-bolts to the base of the spring rider.
    4. Now place your spring rider into the hole.
    5. Level the base.
    6. Fill in the gap with cement.
    7. Let the cement cure, and you're done.

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