Together We Can Solve Hunger in our local school systems

It is estimated that 1 out of 5 children live in households without access to nutritious food. And it is not just the unemployed or homeless who need food but also middle-class families living in our suburbs. The problem of hunger in our country is growing and the number of people who are struggling to put food on the table and are at risk of hunger is increasing. There are many families in our own community who are facing food insecurity. Often, parents and caregivers among us have to make the hard choice between paying their rent and buying food; this situation has detrimental effects on their children by making it harder for them to succeed in school.

Through its work with local clients –particularly daycares, schools, pre-schools–Trassig is aware of the increased number of people in our community, both children and adults, whose critical daily needs are not being met. Our local daycares and schools work hard to provide their students with engaging and challenging educational experiences. But without proper nutrition, kids have a difficult time staying focused in the classroom. Studies show that grades and attendance rise when children have access to regular nutrition and healthy meals. Because members of the Trassig team are parents and former teachers and we are a company whose products are designed for children, we feel compelled to respond to local families in need.

The Trassig Food Program is our way to help fight hunger and to help prevent any child from attending school on an empty stomach.  The Trassig Food Program allows teachers and administrators to nominate a family or child in need; Trassig will provide each family with a gift card to purchase a month’s supply of healthy and nutritious food. The nomination process is simple and confidential– just send an email to to get started.

Addressing hunger is one way that Trassig can help to improve the community — by getting food to the people who really need it.