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The quick answer is Yes. The process is pretty straight forward. The material we send you is proportional so there is no room for mistakes. You just mix whatever you get in in its entirety. You receive detailed written instruction complete with an online video that goes through the entire repair. We also have many other videos in our knowledgebase library that tackle specific install issues (Like filling gaps, filling areas around drains...etc). Finally, anyone buying a repair product from us is assigned a playground install care specialist (ICS) who is an experienced installer in the field. The ICS is a great resource who you can ask detailed questions that pertain to your particular rubber surface, weather conditions and locations. You can send your ICS pictures of the damage, videos of the granulation, or whatever documentation you have to help them help you better. It is not unusual for our ICS's to go on facetime to get a better understanding of your particular problem.
If you think you are simply not too handy to do the repair, you can always get a handyman to do it for you. Hiring a local handyman is always a good idea and a much more cost effective solution that trying to track down a commercial playground company or a specialized surfacing company. In our experience, in we know that by experience poured in company don't like to travel to repair holes. The economics are simply not there. This is the reason we have created the poured in repair kits, Rebinder, Extender, deck repair kits and other do it yourself solutions. If you are still not sure about whether you can do the repairs yourself, please call us at: 203-659-0456.