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Our versatile Infinity Cycle is designed for children between the ages of two and five. The pedaling motion is beneficial for physical skill development. Our merry-go-cycle also strengthens the legs of children and offers them the chance to interact with others. The Infinity Cycle accommodates up to five children and works with as little as one. This piece of equipment is versatile, and—due to its small footprint—you can install it in indoors or in a playground. We have a selection of colors available, including red, yellow, lime, hunter green, and blue. Contact us to learn more about our merry-go-cycle!
COLORS: red, blue, yellow, lime green
DOTS: red, blue, yellow, beige
17’4” DIAMETER | DIMENSIONS: 5’4”W X 2’2”H | WEIGHT: 198 LB
Shipping and Installation: Call (203) 659-0456 for quote.