How to Repair Your Playground Rubber Surface with PIP Extender

UV protective topcoat is something that should be applied when the poured in place rubber surface is new in order to prevent fading and damage right at the outset. This extender will help extend the life of a surface and maintain its color. It is an easy way to prevent making as many repairs in the future, as well as maintaining the color of the surface. Make sure you repair any areas of the surface that need to be repaired before applying the extender and that the area has proper drainage before using extender.

  1. Pressure wash the area where you need to apply the extender. To avoid damaging the surface, use less than 2,000 psi and a fan angle of 30 degrees or more. Leave the surface to dry for a few days.
  2. If an area is damaged by the pressure washing, then it was already damaged enough to need repair or replacement anyway. The extender is not designed to repair damaged EPDM surfacing.
  3. Divide the area you need to cover into 100 sq. ft. sections. Use one five gallon pail one of these sections.
  4. Apply the extender extra thick over patched areas so that it is able to penetrate through the new layers and into the old layers of rubber. This will help to permanently bind the layers together.
  5. Never spray or pour the topcoat.
  6. The extender will need two coats. Most of the first coat will sink into the pores of the rubber surface. The second layer will only need one five gallon pail for every 400 sq. ft. This layer will create a solid rubber layer.
  7. Allow the top layer of the extender to cure for 72 hours in dry weather. Do not apply the extender if you are expecting rain within 48 hours.