How to fix gaps in playground rubber tiles

Rubber tiles are a great surfacing system when installed properly. The best surface to install the tiles on are concrete or asphalt. We usually don't see any problems with them when on these two substrates. When playground tiles are installed on compacted aggregate though, we start seeing migration and gaps between tiles over the years. Even interlocking tiles sometimes migrate from each other. 

gap in playground rubber tiles

The easiest solution to this problem is to fill the gaps in the tiles with the appropriate rubber granules. We provide two kits that do the job, one is a base layer repair kit and one is a wear layer repair kit. Here is what you need to do to appropriately fix gaps in playground tiles.

  1. Clean all debris in the gap between the rubber tiles.
  2. Using a cheap brush (You will be throwing it away after) to prime the bottom and the sides of the gap with an aromatic binder
  3. Mix the base layer rubber with the base layer binder in your repair kit and trowel the mix in the gap (Use putty knife if needed) all the way to a half inch from grade. Let cure for 24 hours.
  4. Mix the wear layer granules (EPDM granules) with wear layer binder and trowel into the half inch deep gap left and let cure for 24 hours.

- Do not use wear layer mix to fill the entire gap between the tiles. That section will have no impact attenuation.

- Do not fill the he gap entirely with base layer mix as that is not not mean to be a finish layer and is easy to dislodge.

If you have any questions, please call us at: 203-659-0456 or email us your surface pictures at