Loose shredded rubber is a great surfacing material. But there are some very specific reasons why it wouldn't work very well. One of them is when you introduce kids younger than two years to the surface. The loose rubber nuggets could present a choking hazard. Another one is sites that have a slope. The maintenance to keep the shredded rubber from accumulation in one side can be daunting. So the best solution becomes to bind the rubber using Aromatic binders. Here are a few pointers to keep in mind to bind your loose rubber successfully:

- Make sure the rubber you have is clean from debris.
- If you are going to wash the rubber (Which I generally don't recommend) make sure it is completely dry before you mix it with the binder.
- Make sure do the right site prep before you trowel the rubber. This means introducing crushed stone aggregate and compacting it, make sure all organics are removed from the site including any grass that would have been sitting under the loose rubber.
- Make sure you are mixing the rubber at the right ratio with the binder.
- While your loose rubber was probably bordered with plastic or rubber borders or even rail road ties, you don't necessarily need to border the bonded rubber. You can bull nose it or bevel it right into the soil.
- Make sure you have the right tools before you start the job: Trowels, lubricants, wheelbarrows, scales.. etc.
- Finally, make sure the day you do the install is a dry day.
If you have any questions about bonding your loose rubber please call us at: 203-659-0456.